Friday, December 11, 2009

FCST Dec 14-19, 2009

Looks like next week is going to be very similar to last week but without the heavy moisture in the air like Tuesday when the blizzard struck. There is however a slight chance of snow Sunday night into Monday AM. This will be a 1/2" possible tops, there just isn't enough mixing of moist air coming in from the gulf, this is shown in detail with the pics below. What's happening is we have 120Kts high altitude wind blowing in from the Rocky's but what would cause a good storm is is we had 30-50Kt lowwinds coming in from the gulf. This would provide just enough lift to give us precipitable moisture. This is OK since it's winter it's not that much fun to scoop snow anyways. So I like being able to forecast easy ones like this.

I'm sure I will update closer to the end of next week as it looks like there maybe something to write about for Christmas Week! Pretty early to tell for sure right now.

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